Friday, 25 July 2014 16:04

'Challenging' IFP event was Wheeler fortune

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I attended the CFPCM professionals' conference on 12th June 2014 at Chesford Grange - a very worthwhile day: varied, challenging and fast moving, writes Jane Wheeler FIFP CFPCM.

Surrey branch members welcomed Craig Burgess of EBI Portfolios to their June breakfast meeting, reports branch chairman Keith Churchouse CFPCM.

June's meeting for the East Midlands branch saw two excellent speakers, reports Gini Bolton CFPCM.

In October 2013 I was considering the topics for the 2014 Lancashire & Cumbria branch meetings, writes branch chairman Paul Jones CFPCM.

A new 'Ask a Paraplanner' service for IFP members has been launched on the IFP website.

Thursday, 24 July 2014 16:08

Leeds Branch plays host to leading Paraplanner trio

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In June, we were very fortunate to have Gemma Siddle CFPCM, Joanna Hague CFPCM and Claire Goodwin APP as our distinguished and engaging panel of Paraplanners at our meeting, reports Leeds branch chairman Murray McEwan CFPCM.

Delegates at this year's IFP conference at Celtic Manor from 6 to 8 October have some tricky decisions to make about which sessions to attend.

Thursday, 24 July 2014 15:55

IFP corporate member profile: Nucleus

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Nucleus is trying to turn financial services upside down. That's all. The platform was set up by seven founding adviser firms led by our CEO David Ferguson in 2006 in anticipation of the changes facing the retail financial services sector.

Thursday, 24 July 2014 15:53

IFP corporate member profile: Parmenion

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Parmenion provides investment solutions to advisers, combining our award winning online platform-based administration with discretionary fund management capabilities.

Divorce is regarded as a significant life event, often considered on a par with bereavement, both from an emotional point of view and in terms of planning for a future without any financial burden. In this latest case study for Financial Planner Magazine, Gemma Davies CFPCM explores how she helped a woman going through divorce.
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