Leading planner Marlene Outrim releases new book

An ex-President of the Institute of Financial Planning has penned a new book showcasing ‘inspiring’ people aged 60 – 90 that demonstrate how to make the most of retirement.


Financial Planning firm reassures clients over Brexit

A Financial Planning firm has advised clients its “business as usual” and believes volatility is short term, in the wake of the EU referendum result.


'Financial Planning Week helped us gain new long term clients'

A Wales based Financial Planning firm has told how taking part in an IFP campaign in recent years has won it new long term clients.


Real life case study: Gemma Davies of Uniq Family Wealth

Divorce is regarded as a significant life event, often considered on a par with bereavement, both from an emotional point of view and in terms of planning for a future without any financial burden. In this latest case study for Financial Planner Magazine, Gemma Davies CFPCM explores how she helped a woman going through divorce. Read more...