Force of nature: PFS Fellow on taking over iconic Paraplanner role

Last week Richard Allum told FP Today that Caroline Stuart will succeed him in heading up the national Paraplanners Powwow.
Ms Stuart FPFS, a Chartered Financial Planner, of DB Wood, pictured above and below, will take the reins at the fifth Powwow on 14 September.
Mr Allum CFPTM Chartered MCSI, a Chartered Wealth Manager, created the event originally back in 2013 as a one off but it proved so popular that it grew and has led to a number of spin off events and initiatives.
Mr Allum’s spearheading of such a popular project, along with various other initiatives he has led, has given rise to some Powwowers dubbing him the ‘godfather of Paraplanning’.
Below, Ms Stuart exclusively tells FP Today why she took on the role, why she believes the Powwow has become so important to Paraplanners and her hopes for the event now that she is heading the ‘unconference’.
Read on for her column...
When Richard announced last year that the 2016 Powwow could be the last one and he would no longer be hosting, I had to volunteer and get involved, writes Caroline Stuart.
I wanted to do whatever I could to make sure the Powwow wagon continues to roll and support paraplanners the way that it has for me.
It’s almost a force of nature now so hosting it is, of course, a bit daunting.
But I’m not worried because I know I’ll be amongst some of the most friendly and supportive people there are, and it’ll be brilliantly organised by seasoned experts!
Above: Kat Mock, left, and Caroline Stuart, right at a previous Powwow
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— FP Today Magazine (@FPTodayMagazine) June 5, 2017
I’ve got so much from the Powwows; they’ve helped me develop and progress and I have met some really great people.
Now, it’s nearly time for the fifth Powwow and I think if you had told those first intrepid Powwowers it would be going strong four years later with a range of mini Powwows, online Powwows, (Howwows for those not familiar with the lingo!) and online forum 'The Big Tent' , there may have been a few raised eyebrows, but not many.
I’m not surprised at the popularity or longevity of the Powwow. It is fantastically organised by Richard and his team, who have taken it from an idea to an event to virtually a movement.
The evolution of the Powwow has been driven by the demand for what it offers and the people demanding it. I’m not going to get all evangelical about the virtues of paraplanners because there are high quality, dedicated people in all parts of financial planning but my experience is of professional people with a real passion for what they do and their clients.
They always strive to improve how they do things and then share that with fellow paraplanners, the Powwow being the perfect forum and platform for that learning and sharing.
For years, I went to conferences on tax or legislation changes and to maybe meet some of my peers. However, what usually happened would be me standing in a corner enjoying the buffet, reading some piece of literature whilst avoiding eye contact at all costs; I would never have spoken up or asked a question.
As I was not an adviser or sales consultant who were predominantly the attendees, I would often feel like a peanut in a packet of crisps, like I didn’t belong or had secretly snuck in for the free sandwich.
Below, Richard Allum has led the 4 previous events
Then along came the Powwow which was something new and very, very different. I found myself in a teepee in a Northamptonshire field with a load of likeminded people and a lot of chocolate. I don't know whether it was the campfire, my lovely new Moleskine notebook or whether I’d just had a bit too much sugar, but for the first time I spoke up and joined in.
Since then, I’ve helped run a mini Powwow and at the main Powwow. I’ve seen new faces come over the years and like me, go from someone who is attending - taking everything in but staying quiet, to questioning and commenting, and finally participating and helping.
This is what I love about the Powwow; it embodies all the good qualities of the paraplanning community; it is warm, welcoming, friendly and fun, enabling anyone to get involved.
It also covers a range of subjects, from Compliance to Design Psychology, DB Pensions to ‘The History of Investing’ or ‘What did the Romans ever do for us?’ Whether a pensions nut or a Techno Geek, something will float your boat and did I mention the chocolate? (also see sweets, ice-cream and barbecue!)
The Powwow reflects everything positive about paraplanning and I want it be around for as long for as paraplanners want it.
I just hope I can help make this year's as much of a success as the previous four, and people get as much out of it as I and others who have been through that wonderful Teepee have done!
For details on attending the Powwow, visit the Paraplanners Powwow website.