Financial Planning Week 2020 gets under way

The CISI's annual Financial Planning Week consumer campaign was launched today with a focus on 'virtual' events and support.
The week - aiming this year to help families cope with the shock of Covid-19 - runs from today until 11 October.
This year, for the first time, the Personal Finance Society is urging members to back the drive to promote Financial Planning.
Many Financial Planning firms, such as Paradigm Norton, Broadway FP, Beaufort Financial, Northstar Wealth are supporting the campaign and offering free 1 hour guidance sessions to consumers.
The CISI - which runs the Certified Financial Planner qualification - says consumers need a “steadying hand in this year unlike any other.”
Financial Planning Week - #FPWUK - is an annual campaign organised by the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI). It aims to promote the benefits of Financial Planning to the nation.
It encourages consumers throughout the UK to book a free session with a Financial Planner to find out more how Financial Planning can be a “life-changing’ experience. There will also be social media and mainstream media activity.
Because of the Coronavirus pandemic it’s expected most of these sessions this year will be ‘virtual’ over the phone or via a video calling system.
Financial Planners who are CISI members can sign up at cisi.org/registerfpweek
During the week Financial Planners in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are encouraged to:
- Join the campaign to help highlight the benefits of Financial Planning
- Consider offering one-hour free consultation surgeries, via video call or over the phone to members of the public
- Take part in “Ask a Planner” online sessions and offer written responses to individuals’ queries
- Provide talks to local schools about Financial Planning profession as a career
Jacqueline Lockie CFP, CISI head of Financial Planning, said: “This year of Covid-19, unlike any other, has highlighted the fragility of all of our lives and how easy it can be for our personal foundations, including family, friends, jobs and finances, to be shaken to the core.
"This is our chance to demonstrate our planners’ social responsibility credentials for all consumers to understand the real benefits having a financial plan can bring them."
During the week planners will also join forces with 26 other countries under the Financial Planning Standards Board/IOSCO World Financial Planning Day #WFPD2020 on Wednesday 7 October to raise the profile of Financial Planning around the world.