Life planning guru George Kinder launches new book

Life planning guru George Kinder has launched his new book and a wider conversation which aims to established ‘a golden civilisation’.
Mr Kinder, founder of the Kinder Institute of Life Planning, hopes the project provokes and inspires revolutionary economic theories, mindfulness, and participatory democracy.
He said: “Anyone can do this. Everyone should do this.
“This is how we bring democracy back to the people.
“It’s through conversations over the kitchen table, in the living room, in the workplace, and in the classroom, and through the actions that follow.”
Mr Kinder says that thousands of community conversations are planned worldwide throughout 2019 with hosts from a variety of disciplines including professional facilitators, university professors, financial life planners, and student leaders.
He said more than 150 people have attended trainings to host ‘Golden Civilization Conversations’ to date.
In the series of facilitated conversations, groups are challenged to imagine 1,000 generations in the future where there is a 'golden civilisation'.
They are then asked: “What does it look like? Feel like? How do people communicate, exchange goods, and govern themselves?”
Mr Kinder says through “thought-provoking discussion, listening, and collaboration, a cumulative vision for the future begins to form among conversation attendees.”
A launch party will be held on 4 March at the The BlackBox, Mosesian Center for the Arts in Watertown, Massachusetts, US.
Mr Kinder said the event would be: “An extraordinary evening where I’ll be unveiling my thought leadership on a variety of topics that I’ve been passionately pursuing for the last 30 years.”
The author and trainer revealed his plans in the latest issue of Financial Planning Today magazine, which is available to read for free here.