Details of NHS pensions overtime tax fix emerge in letter

The NHS will pay tax bills for all doctors, nurses, AHPs and other clinicians in active clinical roles who are members of the NHS pension schemes, who could be hit by extra tax for working overtime, it was revealed today.


NHS to pay tax bills to get doctors back doing overtime

The Government has promised doctors in England that their tax bills will be covered by the NHS in an attempt to get them to do overtime shifts.


Editor’s Comment: Govt shift on NHS pensions needs wider scope


Over the past 10 years I’ve seen too many governments treat pension savers, particularly middle to high earner, as tax-dodging lepers.


Government U-turn on NHS senior clinician pensions


The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is to open a consultation on major changes to pension rules which have been criticised for forcing high-earning doctors to turn down extra shifts due to tax penalties.